Zetter & Zetter Gallery
- Minecraft Forge
- NestJS
- NEXT.js
- RabbitMQ
- PostgreSQL
- Docker Swarm
- Discord API
- Microsoft oAuth API
- Minecraft Forge
- NestJS
- NEXT.js
- RabbitMQ
- PostgreSQL
- Docker Swarm
- Discord API
- Microsoft oAuth API
- Minecraft Forge
- NestJS
- NEXT.js
- RabbitMQ
- PostgreSQL
- Docker Swarm
- Discord API
- Microsoft oAuth API
A video game modification that allows Minecraft players to make paintings in game, (including multiplayer drawing, and all related to that problems), which has an add-on that enables online features to submit player-made paintings through in-game interface to the backend.
Backend is NestJS mono repo made of 5 services duct taped together with AMQP broker, an API gateway that logs players in with Microsoft and customized oAuth API, gets validation and storing, queues paintings for processing (checks that there are no similars with LSH), and queues them for moderation (PEGI-like tag system).
Moderation is done by community managers with Discord bot, which is another backend service, and then finally another service combines those paintings into feeds using several algorithms (that quite popular in early social networks half-life algorithm with some seeded random and my attempts to math).
Final part is the NextJS front-end that has a wiki, shows paintings based on player preferences and allows player to get through authentication process when redirected from game.
Total it’s 4 repos, 3 open sourced (I don’t open backend source for several concerns)
Online features require separate Zetter Gallery mod and Minecraft acccount to submit paintings.